Everyone is all too familiar with the world’s most widely spread and one of the most hated insects, the mosquito. Throughout the entire world there are roughly 2000-3000 types of mosquitoes. Despite there being numerous types of mosquitoes, and their ability to spread deadly diseases, in fact relatively few species can cause life-threatening and property damage. It is a small flying insect with delicate mouthparts for sucking blood. Typically, females are the ones using blood for food, and are host to a number of diseases including dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, malaria, yellow fever, and filariasis, among others. Outside of Antarctica, mosquitoes are found everywhere in the world. They are a serious public health problem, with huge impacts on human and animal life. Every year hundreds of millions of people get diseases from mosquitoes, and some even die from these mosquito-borne diseases.

Regarding disease-carrying mosquitoes, from ancient times through to today there have been various physical and chemical recipes in circulation for destroying them. However, the methods used in every area and environment were different, with differing degrees of effectiveness. Nowadays, outside of natural and man-made means of achieving protection from mosquito bites, there is also the incorporation of a physical barrier made of special textiles (protective clothing or nets, etc), thereby strengthening the barrier to the spread of germs.

Textile fibers, after going through the insect repellent process, allow us to have another invisible layer of protection against channels of infectious diseases.

Applies to the following areas